Month: July 2023

I now had an evaluation report from a professional editor, calling out the strengths and weaknesses of ‘The Shadow’. Where to from here?

I looked at the email for a few minutes, considering whether I wanted to read what it had to say. I decided to clear the rest of my inbox before opening the attachment. I guess I was also clearing my head to be able to better assess whatever might be revealed in the report. Or..

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The Evaluation Edit – Was ‘The Shadow Worth Publishing?

I had no idea of how to publish a book so I reverted to where most people go to learn something about things they know nothing about – Dr Google.The first thing I learned was that getting a book published is hard! Much harder than I’d envisaged. Trying to contact a publisher interested enough to..

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 Version 2 reviews were always going to be a harder examination of The Shadow. I hoped for the best but feared the worst.

 Version 2 copies were distributed and I waited with great anticipation as to what I might learn. Had the work I’d done post the early feedback made the book better or worse? Would the feedback be consistent enough for me to make a call on progressing to publication? While I hadn’t always agreed with perspectives..

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